Please stop with these video posts! Especially, since they autoplay. Nothing like being in Panera and other people here about how everyone wants to “get it on more”.
Please stop with these video posts! Especially, since they autoplay. Nothing like being in Panera and other people here about how everyone wants to “get it on more”.
Spanking a child just teaches them that you lack self control and are a hypocrite.
I’m not a parent, but my mother has dealt with depression and bipolar. This article is very important, I think, because the way this mental health problem was dealt with in my family was not good for me as a child. I really do encourage seeking treatment and explaining mental health to children from as early as…
Hmm, wonder if there will be apologists for this attacker much like for Will Smith? And of course they’ll use “It was a trans man” as justification.
but I personally won’t be satisfied until the reins are given to the directors best suited for the Fast family: the Wachowskis
I really thought these were going to be mostly more toward the $1000 end than the $100 end. Especially for popular teams like the Red Sox.
For $39 I’d propose to people I don’t even know.
Honestly, with the exception of the last couple, those prices seem pretty damn reasonable. I’m not big on public proposals, but if your partner is a sports fan who loves being the center attention and you’re very, very sure they’ll say yes it could be money well spent.
It’s contextual.
The saddest part about all of this is that Will Smith, like many celebrities, is so insulated he might never realize that what he experienced was a nervous breakdown. He laughed, he got quiet, he went into a trance, walked on stage in front of 15 million people, he threw off a furious, illegal slap/punch, he sat back…
Lol...I just knew an article like this one was heading our way. This kind of logic or interpretation justifies EVERYTHING; excuses everything, however inexcusable the behavior or deed.
I’m shocked mostly at the low key acceptance of what was literally physical assault on live television. What if he had walked up and smacked Amy or Wanda or Regina in the face like that? Would the Jezebel crowd still be so nonchalant about it? Would it still be considered acceptable?
The whole slap was a stupid overreaction that has caused them more issues than it solved. The joke itself wasn’t even particularly offensive or insulting. All Will Smith did was call attention to something that 99.9% of the world didn’t see or had already forgotten about and opened him and Jada up to far greater…
Alopecia isn’t a serious medical condition. People get old - their hair falls out. If Hollywood allowed women to age normally you wouldn’t be contemplating the virtuous nature of walking up onto a stage and hitting someone. Just because some scientology weirdos act like lunatics doesn’t mean you should absorb their…
Will first reaction to the joke show him laughing. I think he saw Jada’s reaction and then he reacted to her reaction. She was not thrilled. For someone claiming to “embrace her baldness”, Jada sure look like she wasn’t embracing any of it.
I can’t believe Will Smith couldn’t wait till an Oscar’s after party to confront Chris Rock about his comments. Will was out of pocket for doing this during the show. Something brewing inside him and its wasn’t just some lame hair loss joke. It wasn’t that serious.
Yup. And Tiffany Haddish’s comment about Smith defending his wife was beautiful is also messed up.
Comedians make jokes about Male Pattern Baldness, and will do so until the end of time. CR makes a relatively tame joke about GI Jane and Will wants to throw hands? We know full well that had Bill Burr made that joke, he wouldn’t have done a damn thing. Will loves to act a fool in regards to Black people, because he…
Well we better get used to OscarsSoWhite or at least OscarsLessBlack because while Vladimir Putin can invade a whole ass country and not have it used as an example of white people being violent and unhinged - black people aren’t afforded that luxury. You had an already crappy show with a black producer and two black…
This is a telling example of how unprotected black men are in this society.