Yes, let the right winger hate the likable, relatable, intelligent, good-with- the-people, real President so they can support the hate-filled, ignorant, fat-ass, lying Cheeto-Man because... HE SPEAKS IT LIKE IT IS!! DUR!!!!
Yes, let the right winger hate the likable, relatable, intelligent, good-with- the-people, real President so they can support the hate-filled, ignorant, fat-ass, lying Cheeto-Man because... HE SPEAKS IT LIKE IT IS!! DUR!!!!
Haven’t seen the movie, but based on what you say, that makes it tragic. We need realistic movies about love and sex because we all know how much fake shit is out there. It’s not harmless either. The amalgamation of all those fake representations produces very real expectations in the average individual.
You’re so right on. But isn’t that true for every sex scene in a movie? Everyone is doing crazy porn stunts on the go. Women climax after two minutes, men do acrobatic stunts. I’m convinced we’re all living out the false expectation of being the best at the first go.
Post this up on instagram for a billion likes. That is the American way.
Not sure I understand the reference. Can you elaborate?
KD has to know that for those who still root for him, it’s hard for us to keep doing so when he legitimately fears random online critics.
This woman has so much guts. She deserve accolades and praise. She took the matter directly to the heart and split it open with a love-shaped dagger. She handled the confrontation with all the seriousness it deserved and still managed to keep an enormous amount of self-control
A black kid being horrendously bullied in a school? Gee... you don’t say...
Lopez and Lowry headlining the Eastern Conference Finals? How much weed did I smoke?
Because he was out partying! Because Kawhi is a frequent and maniacal partier!
You read my mind exactly! (And I’m a divorced single dad). As a single parent in the online dating world, it ain’t easy. Yikes!)
This is true. Curry played god awful the whole entire series, INCLUDING Game 6 but got some good shots in to close the deal. A lot of his points that made up his final total were off of free throws. Critical, but nonetheless different than jumpers and 3-pointers.
Shit has just gotten real in the playground!
I just love that my man plays for San Antonio...
He decided to go to Toyota Center to get shots up, nixing Curry’s reservations. The Warriors’ point guard offered to stick to half a court, but Paul wasn’t having it. Curry was kicked off the Toyota Center court.
Thomas Guides. Somewhere out there Thomas is really upset.
Listen, I’m a huge Curry fan. Love his work ethic and his attitude. But I watch him closely, and it’s frustrating.
Everybody is always clowning the Clown Prince of Commentaries, Paul Pierce.
Done deal. Your comment explains this perfectly. It’s the difference between men and women.
I don’t agree with you. I wouldn’t want anyone flirting with my wife. As a man, I wouldn’t flirt with a woman. I’m not saying what Ayesha said is wrong - I fully support her. I’m saying you’re wrong.