
I respect his hustle, but the dude is a dirty player.  Dirty as they come.

Remember that time when everyone was hailing Brad Stevens as the next messiah coach?

Kyrie Irving seems like the kind of guy you just tune out whenever he opens his mouth.  

Damn!  The fire/hose metaphor is BRUTAL... in its truth.  

As an Asian man, I approve this comment.  

Call me a cynic, but this is life. If it’s not negatively affecting rich people, positively affecting rich people, affecting something that can be bought, traded, or sold to line up the pocket’s of rich people, then it’s not worth doing.

That doesn’t look “jacked” or “shredded” or good in any way.  

At first, I read this as the Lakers planning on signing Bogut, and I laughed and thought, “Haha. Only a team as desperate and idiotic as LA would sign this cantankerous mummy.”  Then I realized it was the Warriors.   What??!!

Johnny Walker... black and blue?

So I guess he tried to smollett out of this one.

Note to Steven:  Make better fucking movies.  Your time is done.  

People cheat all the time. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

“It was my experience that Mr. Trump inflated his total assets when it served his purposes, such as trying to be listed among the wealthiest people in Forbes,” Cohen said in his testimony, “and deflated his assets to reduce his real estate taxes.”

I’m Asian, and my daughter is of mixed heritage. Her hair is curly which she gets from her mother who is half African American.

You handled it excellently, directly, and non-violently, which is more than I could have said for myself in that situation.  

“Why can’t you people just play along? I mean, we’re the masters of the universe, you exist for our entertainment and pleasure, I’m only asking because I’m genuinely interested, racism is dead, we’re just having some fun, you’re unease of my request is making ME uncomfortable, it’s only personal space if it’s MY

But here’s the question that it really boils down to... Is he a leader? 


As a 42 year old man, this question has vexed me through all of my waking day.

The crazy thing about all this is that the new mantra for the current age is “personal empowerment.”