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I think several of those are from practice and quali
To each his own I guess. I've always found a woman with an English accent irresistible.
Glen Rock 'n' Roll
Seemingly every time we fired up the rental car to stock up on beer or get some bean-and-cheese-and-potato burritos from Pedro's (Christ, those rule).
Did you know that the MLS is sooo crappy?
Good thing Deadspin published an article on MLS opening day telling us all to not watch it.
Wow - did any of you idiots actually watch the video? The police officer asked her multiple times for ID, explained why he was talking to her and she completely ignored all requests by him. Just immediately said it was an "injustice" and he was being "disrespectful". When you keep rudely interrupting a police officer…
Look, I am in absolutely no way saying those officers did the right thing, but she's not little miss innocent, either. There is a right and a wrong way to handle asshole cops. You do what they say, such as getting your fucking ID out and showing it to them and not flipping them shit. Of course they wanted to arrest…
Her fault, she kept yelling and resisting them.
Sorry, but this is her fault. You don't try to argue with a cop for 20 minutes. You'd have to be an idiot to do that.
Let's be honest here.
You are wrong in thinking that in a bench trial the judge is going to base her findings of fact and law based on the the NCAA looking dumb by not calling a student athlete. The NCAA is on the wrong side of this. But the idea that a student athlete would be a difference maker is just silly.
especially if they're named Holee Phuk, Wei Tu Lo, and Sum Ting Wong.
"Hey, guys, does anyone have some Fred Durst handy? Without it, this video might break YouTube with its awesomeness. I need to take it from an 11 to about a 6."
The O.J. Simpson car chase had its share of memorable moments. For you, maybe it was the absurdity of a white Ford…
Little goof-up: the supposed front wheel has exactly the same damage as the rear. So he didn't post the correct photo. Not that it makes a damn difference.