
I hear what you are saying, but they also get something they could get nowhere else....a chance to hone their job skills with the best development, coaching, support, etc. they could get anywhere....and the chance to market themselves to a national audience in order to boost their value to NBA teams. I think of it as

Wow that's sure a lot of "I don't knows" and #'s pulled out of your ass for such a strong opinion. Kind of sounds like a rehashed version of this "article." If a player wants to get actual money in their 1 and done year then they can go to Europe if they want to go to a school and actually learn the game of basketball

I'm sorry; is someone making him play basketball? Is he not getting a free education plus a ton of other ancillary benefits out of this deal? Sure, the school and the NCAA are making a lot of money off of collegiate athletics, but to argue they should get paid ignores the fact that they essentially are being paid