
Of course, Katherine! how could i forget haha

I am down with Bonnie being the big bad and not just for the last 2 episodes but for season 8 too. Please let her be a delicious villain just like Klaus and Kai were with major deaths from the main characters.

But I like her with Sean coz theyre both flat characters..

That scene where Leo said Vincent wasnt needed anymore and then the wife thanking him for staying while also giving him money broke my heart. That was the saddest patient storyline in years.

If only we can keep Nia. SHe has more chemistry with Dany than Danny/Sophie.

I thought that he was supposed to be Wells, Jaha's kid

but what would that serve?

i just assumed coz when scenes on show dont make sense, i just assume so it'll all make sense haha

true, non watchers of shows go to episodes graded Ds or Fs just to cheer which is weird and kinda disrupts the flow of discussions

really awesome location. at first i was expecting they were on a ship like an aircraft carrier but oil rig was awesome too.

BUT havent they finished shooting this season? even before the season started?

maybe because Jaha had cars and Kane and the others walked?

this is the problem with really good shows like The 100. I mean a C+ grade for this show is still better than the Bs and B+ of TVD or Scandal

yes but i'm pertaining to the Cambodia/31 players who couldve watched Worlds Apart as it was the season on while they were campaigning

imho, Netflix arent really that great. the most enjoyable ones for me are the flash and shield. also agent carter

"Speaking of stuff that didn’t make sense, how was Mindy, who is ostensibly worried about her finances, able to go out with Whitney all week? Instead of saying she was busy at work, she really only needed to say one thing: She has a child. On her own. There’s no way she can/should be going out every night."

quite long. but they get very tough, not good to eat.

like Woo(who was undeservedly given a Second Chance. sigh,)

or maybe it worked here and since the Cambodia players watched World Apart, they'll probably know how the advantage will work?

I was really expecting that Cydney and Michelle would jump ship and that Tai would play his advantage with a 4-4 tie and then maybe play his idol if that's possible?
I think this is the 1st episode where we saw how Michele really plays Survivor. SMart move affirming your stand on the majority alliance then partnering