
Handy way to avoid a Butlerian Jihad, amirite.

He was the one that was holding him last night during the Negan confrontation.

There are few SF properties more deserving of a remake than Dune. That said, the Lynch version should be sitting on every sci-fi fan’s video shelf. It ain’t perfect but, for what it is, it’s mighty fun. Just to see Sting stretch like a cat, or Patrick Stewart be Patrick Stewart be someone else, is worth the cost

HBO style show?

Sting for the Padishah Emperor.

Hmm, this looks surprisingly decent, I may actually be interested in playing a CoD game again.

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

Seriously think these guys went on a drug-induced spirit journey, got abducted by Aliens, went through the fourth dimension, then came back to Japan and started drawing shit.

Yup. One of the reasons I’m glad I play on PC - oh, a single player game wants me to grind for X hours for some random meaningless numbers? Hey, look at this awesome trainer I found! I’ll run into a Dark Souls boss face first for hours if necessary, but level grinding? No thanks.

I know it goes against popular opinion, but this is why I stopped playing FF XIII. The beginning 1/3 was really fun, despite/because of its linearity. Then it opens up and it’s like “ok go fight random shit for like 10 hours until you level up” and I’m like, “how about I stop playing this forever instead?”

Queen songs in the background make everything better.

Thanks. I was pretty sure I remembered killing Hawkman myself at one point. :)

This is the only “Hawkman” I care about.

Falcor would disagree with you.

By the Kwisatz Haddock?

Clearly, they were taught the Weirding Way.

There’s a reason we don’t compete. The US hasn’t embraced contraband enhanced sports just yet. Instead of tables full of Gatorade on the sideline, it’s a boxes of glass roses and non-detergent Choreboy.

The Circle is Now Complete.

How about in my rare-ish PNW Volvo 144? It has been longing for a diesel heart and big knobbly tires