
I've been barefoot running for about three months now. I heeded the advice I read all over about starting slow. For me this wasn't a problem, since I hadn't been running regularly previously, so I was conditioning my arches, calves, and stamina all at once. I am now running 5k on a daily basis and absolutely love it.

Going back to the "death grip" issue, it seems like not wrapping the iPhone 4 in a 3GS-like case would have brought this issue to the foreground really early. Hopefully the incognito testing the next phone doesn't prevent the testers from discovering equally debilitating flaws.

My company has it from Verizon that they will be receiving the phones in September. As my company uses Verizon exclusively and isn't interested in the iPhone until it is a world phone.

Apple could just tell them where they can put it and not make a next-gen iPhone for them. Apple does care about it's users being able to have a smooth experience. They like things to "just work" with users not having to worry about data usage, etc. Verizon butting in, and it looks AT&T too doesn't jive well with the

But I think the M17x has some crazy stuff going on in it like dual GPU's and whatnot. For the pricepoint you're getting a gaming rig in a "portable" form. Though yes, Alienware is known to be pricey.

The human body one was pretty cool too. I remember having the computer game back in the day.

Psssshhhhh I am sure he was wearing eye protection!

Yeah the ones we have are naaaaasty, thing is he never had a power outage in 10 years? Even slight thawing would be volatile.

You're magnetized!

This American Life did an episode a few months back about Coke, and the recipe. Turns out there is still cocaine in it today, but not as it was then. It comes into the country, heavily regulated and is processed in a factory removing the parts that would be like the drug, but retaining the parts that give flavor,

Yeah my work just switched to Sophos from Symantec, the server group stated that the support from sophos and quick, regular updates made the decision for them.

@Nitesh: Do they not teach Pangaea or however you spell it in school anymore? I remember learning that in like 3rd grade or so.

@jdale: You must be somewhere on the east coast, I'm in CT. Grew up here all my family has moved to AZ, I can't bring myself to do it. I love winter and its own magic too much.

lol @ bumpaddle. Mr. F!

@NaraVara: Are no different than contraptions for a console?

@ProsumeThis: It was a collaboration project, Belkin made the hardware, Razer provided the software. Now it looks like it is under Razer fully.

@Sticks Calhoun: Is that a laffy taffy joke? Those are my favorite!

Behold, the power of cheese.

It's crazy to think that within 21 months almost every dollar bill comes into contact with cocaine.