Zach and Coke

This guy seems a little… young.


Because he was the only one who knew the truth, man.

You mean Hardened Criminal and Eternal Badass Dinesh D'Souza, Scourge of the Liberal Elite?

How do you feel about this shit?

But like, mixed with the bad guy from Quantum of Solace.

He looks like Evil Milhouse.

We like to blast the heat and make it cozy. Snuggle up with a blanket and some ice cream. It's the best.

Can you really make fun of something when it's the best thing in its field? I mean, everybody can make jokes about the Patriots until they're blue in the face, but… they're still the best.

Dunk does iced coffee and coolattas better than anybody else, and that's what most people I know in NE like to get. Even in the winter.

If they knew their fanbase, they'd drop the in', too. DUNK, BABY.

You guys don't fuck to J6?

You know what I like on my sandwiches?

Also of all the people to try to throw dirt at, Angelina Jolie? She may have an incredibly high opinion of herself, but she's done some incredible good in the world and really honestly gives a shit.

You wouldn't download a car.

*Cumberbatch Julian Assange impression*

Yeah but that crust tho

Does that mean that looking at episode descriptions and photos from upcoming episodes is the equivalent of when kids take a little nibble or lick the marshmallow but refuse to eat it?

The only leak I wanna see is that Pee Pee Tape, BABYYYYYY.

No fucking way Melisandre dies this week. She doesn't show up for at least another three episodes. Littlefinger though? That dude's dead. Arya's killing him. I'M CALLING MY SHOTS.