
Does that mean you’ve never called a man a dick before?

I am torn to be honest.... I know a crew member that worked on this. To just not show it does a disservice to everyone who worked on it. This isn’t the type of movie that can do reshoots on the scale of the Getty movie. Some of the people who work on these films-especially the smaller ones—take a pay cut and get paid

Because their skin color has so much to do with it..

This issue could clearly only be worked out in court. Abramovitz sued Lee for $300,000 and won. The judge tacked on an extra $50,000 for “her despicable interference in Mr. Abramovitz’s career.”

She definitely looks like she has had too much plastic surgery.

Worth a read. This is what their mother had to say about the allegations:

Yes this mostly sounds like looking for petty reasons to be annoyed. Maybe he has product placement deals with some of those things? Maybe his son asking who Rachel Bloom is and him not immediately remembering her isn’t a shitty thing to do. So you got him on making a macabre and probably classless joke for a dude

Federal law already forbids you from buying a firearm in another state to circumvent your state of res

Imo those laws are great for denying permits to minorities and undesirables.

Just my personal tastes, but I would pay 10 times more to see Jeff Bridges on stage than them.

Pay disparities suck, especially in entertainment. The issue in America of keeping salaries secret is stupid and counter productive.

But this is lacking the critical context of who they got paid 10x less than. When their respective shows were scheduled for at the festival. How big a draw for said festival they were

You think that should people should have to reveal their salaries so other people can figure out their own worth? That seems crazy...... They should have a number that they are willing to play for, just like any other job. If they don’t get it, don’t play the gig.

Yards have a lot of sticks. I recently acquired a yard and SO MANY STICKS.  

You are arguing in favor of eugenics, please stop

I think it’s less “look how magnanimous I am” and more an acknowledgment that even the darkest posts on Deadspin often get flippant comments.

“No jokes from me.”

I know how it feels. Everyone who says “I can’t imagine” is correct—you can’t. I hope Bode Miller and is family can find peace. It’s been one year and twenty-five days since my 16 year old son died and I haven’t yet. I don’t think I ever will.

Friends and relatives. There seems to be a great misunderstanding of the actual issue amongst progressives.

What is the ‘real’ story? That Ivanka Trump is somehow directly responsible for the immigration and refugee clusterfuck? That she could have singlehandedly, by the powers given to her by the American people...oh wait, that’s the other Trump. That she, as an advisor has the power to convince her father to change the

Raising taxes on everyone is how that happens. That’s the template. That was literally the plan Bernie Sanders ran on. You guys around here don’t seem to understand that a significant portion of the population (read: not just millionaires and billionaires) aren’t interested in seeing their taxes raised significantly