
Elective hormone treatment and sex change operations aren’t “healthcare.”

And Ghomeshi was acquitted. That tends to happen when exculpatory evidence comes to light, as it should.


For once, a Jezebel author gets the facts correct, and readers like you still don’t understand.

There is no reasonable argument - not one - for the government mandating paid family leave.

WTF does his skin color have to do with it?

The tweets are only problematic if they’re by somebody with the wrong politics

why is that misogynist [sic] garbage still on?

Child support is based on the income of both parents, and it’s 100% reasonable (and standard in most states) for the amount paid by the non-custodial parent to change when his/her income changes.

casting directors typically make a point of hiring stand-ins who match the actors’ complexions.

RIP to these two young adventurers, seemed like the type of people we need more of in this world.


It’s a shame none of the “victims” cared enough to press charges.


The alleged incidents took place in the mid-’80s, and will not result in charges because the statute of limitations on each sexual abuse claim has expired.

1) It’s a shame none of them are funny

Calm down.

Congrats. You’ve already got it. 

This was an Obama appointee.

This seems unlikely, and is almost certainly not accurate.