Dana Loesch.
Dana Loesch.
half the world’s population is sanctioned by society to hurt women without repercussions,
If any couple has ever had a screaming fight, one of them could claim to feel threatened.
The Man Show was fantastic.
This is actually less stupid than most of what you publish, so... congrats, I guess.
So, since you prefer it not be treated as a health issue, what kind of treatment do you think trans people will/should get?
Do you idiots ever listen to yourselves?
Except, you don’t.
this was not actually a mental health condition
Or people could just choose to accept the jobs they’re offered or not.
Who the fuck is Thandie Newton, and why would anybody care how much money she makes?
Seems Tambor and the lack of real consequences he’s faced
The movie’s been filmed.
Your mom is a whore.
This is Jezebel.
You cut yourself, don’t you.
Disappointed to discover this wasn’t about Lindy West.
Including let him sexually assault me. Regularly. I was expected to be ready for him when he came home from work.
Or in this case, Trump Canada.