And now you understand why it’s a terrible idea to trust government officials with something as important as health care.
And now you understand why it’s a terrible idea to trust government officials with something as important as health care.
BUT the real point is, WHY is he on a book tour right now??
The point is that this scandal is the epitome of the oldest double standard in the world: man and woman get caught fooling around, but man keeps job, marriage, family, and popularity while woman is scorned and humiliated.
You’re really fucking stupid.
Shouldn’t you be cutting yourself in a closet?
You’re unhinged.
It’s a shame progressives have so little respect for women that they’re able to tolerate that kind of behavior from one of their own, simply because they don’t like the target.
You might want to ask the British how that’s working these days, ‘cause it ain’t good.
He’s 100% correct.
Perhaps, and I’m just throwing this out there, if we were to “redistribute” most of his “wealth” from his “stupid fucking bank account” and “big dumb houses” to “people who need healthcare,” and do the same thing with the 540 other billionaires in America, we might get there. A crazy idea, I know.
She’s not a victim, and your understanding of statistics is garbage.
Calm down.
She’s not wrong.
Acknowledging Christianity in a non-hateful way is now considered “catering to the Christian crowd.”
You seem like kind of a c*nt.
Part of the problem is that Evangelical Christianity is so insular that they honestly have no idea what people outside their circle think.