It would be much better if he just promised a bunch of crap that will never pass senate in 100 years, because the splinter child bloggers know thats how governance really works.
It would be much better if he just promised a bunch of crap that will never pass senate in 100 years, because the splinter child bloggers know thats how governance really works.
Right? Half of this article reads like that infamous Sean Hannity clip where incredulously recites AOC’s campaign platform.
I got three sentences in and thought “this applies to the exit escalators at World Trade Center and nowhere else in the world”. What a waste of bandwidth to load this “article”.
This article is pretty clearly for people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives a tiny bit easier.
See, I don’t understand any of this at all. I book a hotel room so I have somewhere to sleep when I’m not doing what I’m in town to do. The job of housekeeping is to refresh the room after I’ve used it. I’m not gonna trash the room, but why should I do their job for them? If I want privacy, I need to feel bad about…
Part of me thinks the author just wanted to plug his own punk creds. But I’m trying to be less cynical—by like, at least 3%.
Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?
Instead of disqualifying every. single. candidate. that. is. thinking. of. running.
There is no way you can model a presidential campaign off of DIY.
This is sarcasm right? Calling Williamsburg a artist’s retreat? I’m slow and it’s been a couple years since I left DC but definitely got NOMA 2.0 vibe from Naval Yard. At least NOMA had that littlle...uh an old post office.
We are not disciplined enough to have nice things like this. America is not ready for no speed limits and topless beaches
Holy fuck. The 5 already feels like Talladega when you get over the grapevine. Do you know how many Escalades are going to want to do +120mph?
I did Nazi that coming.
I pinched a nerve in my neck a few months ago nodding my head too vigorously.
I bruised my hand raking leaves yesterday.
One word, Chili.
int x=loan+creditbalance;
fire whoever picked the music