This is why I never understood putting political garbage on cars. Who needs some unbalanced fuckstain keying the car because of some misguided reaction to a fucking sticker.
This is why I never understood putting political garbage on cars. Who needs some unbalanced fuckstain keying the car because of some misguided reaction to a fucking sticker.
If your grandma is getting you a car for christmas don’t talk back you spoiled bish.
This is still America. For how long is anyone’s guess.
This. I’m kind of an asshole when it come to keeping the inside of my car clean. Probably explains why none of my friends go to me for carpooling.
She’s a keeper... and the only one who can put up with me. I have, however, identified the root cause and the epic crumb fallout:
Just throw the floormats out and buy new ones every month!
You got lost on the way to TruckNope
If she is, I totally apologize. Unfortunately, I live in Dallas, TX and there are lots of ‘work’ trucks that do nothing other than make life for everyone worse.
Son, I am dissapoint.
Do you want free gas for your $30,000 car too? What else are you entitled to?
Yes, we totally need more variants of the same car.
And that is why you are an automotive journalist and not a chemist.
I’m reading this now. Apparently the plaintiff keeps several horses on their property but they are “nearly odor free”. That’s some horses.
I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.
What is this? Fresno circa 2005?
I have a strange hatred of CR-V’s, RAV4's, etc. It’s irrational, and it doesn’t make sense, but it’s there.
Halfway through that build his HoA would have shut the shit down cause they are Yard Nazi’s and that would have resulted in a BMW Engines are Shit post. Thus confirming the Illuminati.