Yvette Simmons

There’s no way any of us could have seen this coming. They looked like such a stable image of monogamous matrimony. Nothing is real any more.

Well, he hasn’t devolved down to Robin Thicke levels of sad clownishness and put out an album. But it’s still early...


One of the things that really, I just to laugh is, first she completely erases Black Latina’s. But like, Black Americans are the only ones casting Black Latina’s in their shit! Tatiana Ali, Dascha Polanco ( she’s been in a couple of those hood rom coms), Lala Anthony, Regan Gomez, tessa thompson b4 she was Tessa

Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this

No apologies necessary. Thank you for speaking your truth.

Thank you and thank you.

Don’t apologize—it was a good book. 😁

This is really sad, I dont know if this part was fictionalized as well but I remember some girlfriend or wife of Ike pulling a gun on him and Tina and then shot herself. I wonder if that part was true. Thats two women if so his brutality drove to rather not live... NOT LIVE ..than deal with him

Were we in the same in the same household? I was 5-7 when my mom dated an abusive.....man (I use the term only biologically.) My father made an executive decision to change joint custody to full custody and I lived with him ever since. While they were still married, they had been separated for 2 or 3 years. My dad

That last quote is important.

I’m still angry that we had grown ass men in my family that did nothing to stop my uncle from beating my aunt. She cried at his funeral because she was happy he was dead. I didn’t find this out until I was in my 20's, years after he died, or I would have whooped his alcoholic ass myself.


This article is triggering my childhood PTSD. 

I love me some Tina Turner (thanks mom and grandma). But it’s sad that nothing in this memoir will probably surprise me(nothing in this article did). For the longest I assumed that the abuse was a lot worse than what was depicted in ‘What’s Love Got to Do with It’.

Doug shouted that exact line at me just yesterday when I was in my Honda stopped next to him at a stoplight.

When I went from 30k to 60k, I lost about 15k to taxes, lived on the same 16-18k I had at 30k, and saved >25k meaning <10yrs to McLaren.

Ya know I don't think I've ever heard a Ferrari owner actually say that.