Nightmare of Solomon

Just wait until the Italian government finds out about these...

I travel from Houston to Dallas regularly and live in Dallas and you are grossly over exaggerating every little once of what you just said to the highest degree.  If anything Texas operates on the outside like a blue state with very well known red roots. 

A comment so dark a cop just unholstered his weapon upon reading it.

We can add Kei trucks to the growing list of things that have more rights than women in Texas.

On the West Texas freeways that have the 80mph speed limits, you’ll find quite a few trucks that are cruising at 70-75, and you’ll blow by jalopies going 60. Plus, I doubt many people are going to be driving their Kei trucks from San Antonio to El Paso. 

While I share your ‘always be skeptical of anything on Tiktok’ mentality, I know way too many people who project a lifestyle they absolutely cannot afford. Friend of mine drives his Ram 2500 that he pays $1300 a month for to his office job just because he wanted a truck. Doesn’t do anything with it. They struggle

When I lived just outside Atlanta (Cobb County) there really was this ridiculous notion of social climbing and HAVING to keep up with the Jones. Or I guess you end up in Real Housewife purgatory? I knew women who made under $20/hour insist they had to have a Lexus SUV because otherwise the other moms would mock them.

I also expect a LOT of Toyota buyers keep their cars for a long time.  Repeat business would be scarce, and people are generally shopping on price.

I think a lot of Toyota customers will tolerate the dealership experience or markup in exchange for the perceived reliability of the brand. When I was in the market for a 4Runner to build for offroading in Colorado, a bad dealer experience would have forced me to a new dealer instead of considering a different vehicle

Only reason I’m onboard her suit is how they’re spun and sold, they’re presenting inaccurate facts to push the product as a money saver when it is the opposite in reality.

Yup. I’ve bought a variety of new cars and all of them offered those plans. I did some quick napkin math in front of the first few and they would save maybe ~$100 off the total cost, but cost anywhere from $1000-$1200 up front and that wasn’t including the always common oil change coupons out there. They tried to

We must continue to respond to this accident with humility and complete transparency

I will never get the logic of “Boeing can acquire McDonnell-Douglas because they lost so much value due to mismanagement” leading to “Let’s transplant the McDonnell-Douglas C-Suite into Boeing.

Not good enough. They will get other bean counters in who thinks Boeing’s salvation is more cost cutting. Boeing is done for the next couple of decades. It’s too difficult for bean counters to turn around an environment like that. They are completely unable to see QC as an investment. Only short term profits matter,

If Boeing wants to survive, they need to put one of their top engineers in as CEO. When Boeing ruled the skies, they were led by engineers. Once the financial people took control, the company shit the bed.

How noble of them to step down, retire, and not seek re-election. I’m sure it was much easier on their wallets than being fired.

Almost $47k for a fucking Camry?

I hope she gets it turned around.

My level of financial responsibility went up dramatically when I just... started checking my bank account balances regularly. And subsequently, my level of cash reserves, credit scores, and financial independence went up shortly after.

Thank goodness those tankers were empty.  Could’ve been so much worse.