Nightmare of Solomon

A few head scratchers here:

The GOP has ideas and a platform, it’s just that their ideas and platform involve you doing things their way and their way only. The part of small government want to control every aspect of your life.

“If you can’t win, cheat. If you can’t cheat, lie. If you can’t lie, scream at the other person until they relent.” -GOP since 2000

I’m really tired of the Republican strategy of placing their thumbs on the scales to try and throw elections their way. But hey, actually developing a legislative platform, having ideas, and an overarching guiding political philosophy that doesn’t disenfranchise voters is hard!?

My adventure. Had a guy quit and I, an Engineer, was told to arrange export shipment. Actually, “it’s easy. the customer hired a company to handle everything. Just put the stuff on the truck when it shows up.”

It was worse. A lot worse.

Because she’s an attentionwhore and we, as a species, shouldn’t just platform everybody. It draws out all the narcisists.

Well, personally speaking I’m more inclined to dislike someone who’s clearly exploiting people who have deepseated mental health problems than to dislike the people with those problems, so that’s probably part of it!

I don’t think he can outbid an insurance company in bribes lobbying fees.

I gave the Reader’s Digest version.  It was really bad.  As the shipping  company got a call from the Ambassador of another country level bad.  

Smells like an inside job at the original trucking company. How else would they have your paperwork?

You are basically demonstrating the problem.

Insurance loyalty isn’t a thing anymore. I was with Progressive for 15+ years. Clean record, pay in full. Last cycle they wanted to raise my rate 800 a period, 1600 a year for no good reason. I called and they tried to requote and barely got that down any. So I requested a random quote online from GEICO, with higher

I’m surprised no one has gotten shot over this yet.

The kindest thing you can say about insurance is that it’s not inherently a scam. The problem is that there is rarely any consequence for running it like a scam, so it’s practically impossible to find someone that isn’t.

Yeah, as it turns out, 14 year olds dumb enough to break into cars just for joyrides are also dumb enough not to know which cars they can steal without breaking in first.

This is why, no matter how long you’ve been with an insurance company, the moment they jack your rates you should shop around for better rates and use them against each other. They don’t care about your loyalty, they’ll drop you in a second the moment they can after collecting a metric shit ton of your money with no

Can’t help noticing you said harsh, but didn’t say untrue

Shocking that people aren’t wild about $60k (at 7% interest!) cars with limited, often-broken charging infrastructure and insane repair and maintenance costs.

Jalop has been pushing EV’s as hard as the rest of them. The commentariat as well, with what seems very few readers replying with “Hold up a minute” on EV’s. But even Jalopnik can’t ignore what’s happening with the market.