Nightmare of Solomon

Unfortunately this is hardly the first instance of YouTube’s bizarre content restriction decisions. The stuff that somehow flies under their radar - even on (maybe especially on) YouTube Kids - while they drop age restrictions that they triple down on for a goddamn Mega Man 2 speedrunning documentary (which I have

He didn’t. It’s a clip used in a documentary / informative format.

If someone puts a tattoo of mickey mouse on me, then they would need licensing from Disney to do that.

Technically Tetris was part indie part government property.

I have mad respect for artists and especially tattoo artists. The amount of skill and patience to draw on another persons body like that. Yikes. But that being, the tattoo is part of the person, I get that the argument is the game is not the person, but it’s a bad argument.
It’s a derivative of that person and it’s

I feel like a litmus test is needed here.

I have a hard time with this argument. I understand that they should be compensated for their work, and they were at the time of the Tattoo being done.

But it’s not a stolen design included on a fictional game character. Sure, if you gave that design to Lara Croft and called it a day, I’d say that stealing the design without permission. But if you’re re-creating the likeness of a real human being, who bears the ink on his real person, I think it’s a stretch to say

You sound like the type of inhuman monster that would be perfectly okay with slavery being reinstituted

The distinction is understood, the argument is that the distinction is stupid.

On a fundamental level a person should have ownership of their likeness.

The tattoo is a part of the person’s body and a generally recognized distinctive feature.

The 3D model is a representation of the actor made in his likeness, and that

This sucks because as big a fan I am of getting paid for your fucking work, I am an even bigger fan of bodily autonomy and independence. If the ink is inside me, it’s mine. I won’t recreate the design for profit, but I don’t owe you a license fee if I license my image. That’s a bridge too far, for me. At the VERY

As much as I want to cook with lentils more, I’m always terrified that I’ll undercook them without realizing it.

What boggles my mind is they decry socialised healthcare as the devil but happy to pay ridiculous premiums for a policy that may payout or not but either way has an out of pocket, etc...

Not sure why they were blindsided when we all knew they’d kill it.

Hard-working immigrant achieves the American dream of constantly failing upward” should be the headline of the story of where he lands next.

“Were blindsided by the shutdown”

Noah is an appealing TV personality, but I always felt like the public discourse lost something when Stewart stepped down. Back during the W era, Stewart would absolutely flay conservative guests, who would keep coming back for the publicity. Early in the Trump administration, Noah repeatedly shared his platform with

He was ok, nothing special though. I lost interest after 2 years of him hosting - he was never bad, but also not especially good. At least he wasn’t like Fallon, who I find insufferably awful and causes me physical pain to listen to even for a few seconds in clips.

California, Texas, and Florida say their grids should be able to handle the new chargers

congrats on throwing in a level of hyperbole to ensure no one even considers your opinion. Maybe consider actual criticism next time.