Nightmare of Solomon

What boggles my mind is they decry socialised healthcare as the devil but happy to pay ridiculous premiums for a policy that may payout or not but either way has an out of pocket, etc...

Not sure why they were blindsided when we all knew they’d kill it.

Hard-working immigrant achieves the American dream of constantly failing upward” should be the headline of the story of where he lands next.

“Were blindsided by the shutdown”

Noah is an appealing TV personality, but I always felt like the public discourse lost something when Stewart stepped down. Back during the W era, Stewart would absolutely flay conservative guests, who would keep coming back for the publicity. Early in the Trump administration, Noah repeatedly shared his platform with

He was ok, nothing special though. I lost interest after 2 years of him hosting - he was never bad, but also not especially good. At least he wasn’t like Fallon, who I find insufferably awful and causes me physical pain to listen to even for a few seconds in clips.

I urge them to go with someone who grew up in, and understands, the U.S. culture, history and institutions inherently, rather than needing to be briefed on them by the writers pre-tape. Maybe it can be relevant again, or even a force.

California, Texas, and Florida say their grids should be able to handle the new chargers

The Snyder Cut, while unnecessary, still serves a purpose. It’s really long and overstuffed, but it does hold together as a coherent story far, far better than the Whedon version.

I see you skipped the part where they outlined all this can be skipped if you pay $40, literally demonstrating it is nothing but F2P grind bullshit.

Donnie Darko is a prime example of the theatrical cut being so much better than the director’s cut, too.

It’s almost like draconian health care rules based on ideals from bronze aged books don’t provide very good health care. Might as well just close all the hospitals and fire the doctors, when the Preacher can just pray your arm reattaches itself.

All the additional stuff teased that was in the original cut is just too tantalizing not to see now. Entire huge name actors apparently appeared and were excised completely! Jeff Goldblum! Peter Dinklage! Lena Headey (who wasn’t even previously in the MCU so this would be an all new MCU character)!

Tonally the movie was all over the damn place. So I’m not surprised that a movie goes from “Jane has terminal cancer” to “Thor finds his sole surviving childhood friend half-alive and mutilated, then makes a joke about her missing arm” also included a scene where Gorr carves off his own tattoos.

You’re only the best until somebody better comes along.

That’s a straw man. Being worried about cheating and pulling out of matches based on suspicion with no evidence that someone might be cheating are two very different things. Magnus is being criticised for the latter, not the former.

Here’s an example of someone who thinks electricity is priced too cheap so it’s ok to waste it. Are you also the guy who remote-idles his truck for 20 minutes?

There will always be troglodytes.

Another usage note: During the summer, turning on that 60W bulb is essentially turning on a ~60W heater inside your home. If you’re using AC, you’re going to have to pay again to move all that heat outside your house.

congrats on throwing in a level of hyperbole to ensure no one even considers your opinion. Maybe consider actual criticism next time.