Nightmare of Solomon

Some of you deserve vitriol, stalking, and ire.

Tardarsauce would’ve approved of Kiwi Farms’ downfall. 

This is some Qanon level brainworms

as someone who is quite fond of Jesus worship and is not conservative, leave us out of your count, there are a lot of progressive Christians who want none of what conservatism is.

So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?

Rules for thee but not for me. I mean it’s pretty much straight out of the fascist playbook. They’ll use literally anything to get what they want but they’ll cry foul the moment it’s used against them.

So the whole point of this place was to harass and scare people off the internet, but then as soon as they’re outsmarted (as they claim they were targeted, which lead to them being shut down) suddenly it’s unfair and an injustice?

Not Godwin’s law since he carried water for the Daily Stormer

Nazi bastards like Joshua Moon and his ilk can fuck right off into the nearest bottomless pit or black hole and remove themselves from the universe and existence forever.

Maybe Satalac is upset that I didn’t get graphic *enough*

I was really hoping this was going to be a story about how a group of furry mechanics brought a motorcycle back to life

Then, Wilde spoke to all of us on the internet, gleefully soaking up the drama: ‘As for all the endless tabloid gossip and all the noise out there, the Internet feeds itself. I don’t feel the need to contribute; I think it’s sufficiently well-nourished.’”

Is Olivia Wilde paying or blackmailing you guys?

Thank Christ! For a moment there I thought a day was going to go by without yet more interminable drama and gossip about this fucking movie. 

She is a nurse, she has benefits. She could get help and she received help in the past and was committed. I am tired of excuses of stigma or not having health care. She was not a person who had no other choices or options. Save the hand wringing for people who are or were truly destitute.

It took like 7 years for RB to catch Mercedes during the last rules package. This current set of regs is already way more competitive in it’s first year, and we’d actually have a competitive championship if not for Ferrari just Ferrari’ing all over themselves.

And Eowyn would have been cut entirely and never worked again if she didn’t come up to his hotel room.

Just another reminder of what a massive sea change LotR was for the movie industry and popular entertainment in general. Yes, Jackson and his collaborators took liberties with the material, but but the trilogy mostly true to the source material. Because everyone involved realized that people wanted to see LotR movies,

Olivia Wilde is really not great at this whole “personal accountability” thing.