Nightmare of Solomon

Still an Arby's, sir or ma'am.

trying to steal from vendors and climbed over a safety fence, almost being struck by a roller coaster

Sounds like it takes several law firms to write a song these days.

I mean, Diane Warren’s written #1 songs by herself, no samples needed, but Beyonce needs 24 people and apparently a truckload of other people’s music to write a track? If I were Warren I’d be bragging.

“Huh, maybe after a decade and a half audiences have grown tired of the same old thing and want new experiences.”

Just went and looked it up, there’s 24 credits listed BEFORE the sampling credits.

the _only_ team that has significant, ongoing porpoising issues is Merc. this is clearly down to _their_ design and setup decisions. they have shown repeatedly that they can stop their porpoising problems by raising their own car a few mm (at the cost of some performance). they have repeatedly shown this year that

Toto Wolff:

Though Horner did have a point: if other teams can design cars that don’t bounce as aggressively, the onus is on Mercedes to go back to the drawing board and do the same.

Bin outto his mind amirite

To add insult to injury they did it after they knew how crappy the tire was performing with other teams

Still waiting for Ford to release a hybrid AWD model.

Banks are evil! Get the gubmint off my back! Regulation bad!  Wait! I’ve lost everything! Uncle Sam HELP ME!!!!!

There’s a gap between “dumb hypocracy” and “the stunning hypocrisy of a vocal environmentalist indulging in the most extravagantly destructive behavior possible literally every other day because they’re too important to drive or fly business class

Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,

Yeah, REAL sports never have rules controversies!

I should add that even if Kenzan is too much work, just doing Ishin would still work since they’re unrelated games

Yeah the second I saw it .... I had to do a double talk 

I have like 8 full games on my PS5 and I've still got plenty of space and have yet to install a extra SSD. What monstrous game are you downloading?

She’s Canadian.