Nightmare of Solomon

I’d totally love to play Ishin! I just finished Lost Judgment a few weeks ago and now I’m craving for more content from that studio. 

I literally had a Captain America “I understood that reference” moment when I saw that picture. 

this is the real answer — they aimed to make a one size fits all solution so they’d spend less money developing and managing content across different markets around the globe.

tl;dr: they’re cheap and lazy. 

Not a believer but that reminds me so much of Ecclesiastes 4:2-3

And as soon as a player shows up to take him on his offer, he’ll bail on the team and go coach somewhere else.

the confederacy is just the name of the slave owners union.

Now playing

Yeah, this is nothing new — Barely Sociable did a great video on this actually

I could understand if this was automated following the bad faith avalanche of reports, but I imagine appeals are also automated at this point... and if a human saw the appeal and decided it wasn’t valid — well, just proves Twitch moderation is pretty crap, but then again, that’d be nothing new...

Since I really only watch Anime, I should just cancel netflix and just move to crunchy. 


I hate those gamergators, but stop making them seem like they are this uberpowerful cabal of keyboard warriors that are responsible for a lot of things.

How long till they file for bankruptcy? I mean, that’s how things started for Celsius and Voyager before collapsing. 

hardcore max fans are pretty darn obnoxious — but so are hardcore lewis fans.

just about any video that mentions anything about mercedes and them trying to figure out the set-up of their car will have a handful of lewis fans about how the FIA stole the championship from him — and hardcore max fans telling them to shut

considering the courts we currently have, if its currently not unconstitutional, it will soon be made to be constitutional 

The French Education Ministry sent out a circular reminding teachers that wearing religious symbols in public schools is illegal and urging them to punish noncompliant students.

Look how far France and Quebec goes to preserve their culture, including language, in such backward ways.

Look how France is going out of their way to ban certain religious items for the sake of “security”, and it’s not even the hijab, but also the Jewish yarmulke is also banned under the language of the law.


You can’t convince me that francophones are all xenophobic as hell. 

I find it amusing that Yehudi was originally doubling down on all the criticism, with nuggets like this. 

Both of them are terrible.

Heard’s biggest mistake in the trial was how she shot her own credibility when the ACLU guy admitted they timed the OpEd for maximum effect, the admission Heard did not donate the 7 million dollars of her divorce settlement as she had publicly stated she already had and bringing up Kate Moss