Nightmare of Solomon

You might want to talk to the people over at the AV Club, they kept fawning all over her claiming it would be a crime if she wasn’t chosen.

I just use a small dollop of fragrance-free hand lotion on a tp after I’m done wiping to moisturize my butthole

yes, all fandoms

actually surprised nathan didnt write this article 

Pretty sure tons of anime made it to Mexico way before they reached the US so not sure why you said it was one of the few that made it. I mean, Mexico even got Bt’x of all things

But yeah, Slam Dunk was a hit... and that song was super catchy~

The only twitch news that are priority in Kotaku are those related to amouranth.

Both are bad.

Give it to Levar Burton. 

It’s the reason why hybrid classes were shit in WoW vanilla — because Kaplan was very vocal about making sure only warriors could be the true endgame tanks, despite advertising the game as having 3 more classes back then (yeah, shaman were supposed to be able to tank according to their own guides)

Kungen, the Tauren

you’re right

Several devs have complained somewhat recently about theorycrafters and how they “damage” the community, nevermind that these very people started in theorycrafting sites going as back as the now defunct Tankspot.

The real life Asacoco tail that Hololive is selling looks better than that. 

Yeah, my takeaway from this election is that a lot of the damage Turner suffered was self-inflicted. 

I’d not have read it as (((white affluent))), but the mention of the DMFI in the same tweet is a huge red flag — and look, I have no love for the DMFI and I support Palestine and the idea of BDS — but they deliberately singled out Shaker Heights, which Brown won by +8, but no mention of Warrensville Heights, which

I’d been more impressive if it had been ABK Workers Horde -- you know they’re looking for some Blood and Thunder


Yeah, and Afrasiabi was in Fires of Heaven.

And yeah, they were very close — between the two of them (and their followers) they ground EQ to a halt over making EQ paladins a good tank -- among other shenanigans. 

Yeah, I misread the intent of your message -- probably because of personal bias in that I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be dirt on Kaplan surfacing soon -- he has to be dirty. You can’t be that close to Afrasiabi for decades and not get shit on yourself. 

Jeff? The guy whose EQ name was Tigole Bitties? (as in Big Ole Titties), that Jeff? The Jeff that is best buddies with Afrasiabi, that basically ran the infamous FoH guild in EQ with Afrasiabi?

actually, he looks like he came out of the sopranos set. 

Remember, Brack did run in the same EQ social circles as Afrasiabi and Kaplan -- it’s hard not to imagine that he’s gonna get dragged even more as more dirt comes to light.