Nightmare of Solomon

If Aloy was rendered in-game in Loish’ style I’d like the game more. 

I still can’t believe that there was no roadmap, no blueprint, prepared ahead of time for how the trilogy was gonna play out — instead we got competing visions and a severe case of whiplash from movie to movie that it’s no wonder that both TLJ and RoS are disliked by different groups of fans.

Disclaimer: I dislike all

I’m pretty sure some lobbyists would push for the weakening of ADA rules, and some people in the government are all up for that — just look at Gov. Greg Abbot, who is in a wheelchair, and yet has constantly tried to block accessibility lawsuits against the state by different-abled people

Maybe if you’re gonna make a trilogy of movies you should have all 3 movies planned and scripted properly before starting to film. That way ALL OF US could have avoided the debacle that is The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker fingerpointing from both sides of the fandom.

TLJ killed my interest in any of the new Star Wars canon post Return of the Jedi. I just stick to EU stuff these days.

Also, if you’re working on a trilogy, maybe have all 3 movies planned out from the start instead of thinking what the next part is after the previous part wraps up. 

I remember part of the problem with the Flight 191 crash was that only the captain’s seat was equipped with a shaker stick AND the electrical that would power that system was tied to the left engine, you know, the engine that fell off.

So when the pilots lowered the speed as per the guidelines for emergency landing,

I thought the pilots in the 2nd crash did recognize what was going on, but they were still unable to prevent the computer from crashing the plane. 

Ssssssssssss Ssssss

At least the comics showcased are a bit more mainstream than when Oliver Sava is the one making the list. He’s only slightly less pretentious than Nicholas Gazin when it comes to making comic lists. 

I came here for some Hudson Hawk love. Leaving satisfied.

Also, I swear it’s like an american live-action version of Lupin the III 

Did D Gray Man ever finish? 

All those student loans for naught -- this guy’s career is over. 

Same. Pancreatic cancer as well.

I lost my mother to cancer two weekends before thanksgiving.

I’m gonna be honest, I thought it was gonna be more miserable — I found myself more triggered when my cat kept meowing outside her old bedroom than not having thanksgiving dinner at home... I’m not sure if its the shock, or maybe since I always suffer thru

I like ketchup (Even in hotdogs), but I cannot deny the wastefulness of the single-serve packaging.

I think with how bad Mercedes performed the one race the Netflix show was able to film, they will choose not to be part of the show for the next season. 

cops kill people and they dont get fired

I do enjoy his Miles comic, but I dropped his Ms. Marvel after it became such a drag... a shame, I was hoping more of it, specially since I got all of GWW’s Ms. Marvel run.

I drink milk every single day. I drink more milk in a week than I drink beer in a couple of months — I also consume related dairy products.

The first half of the article was fine, but the second half, you’re basically “stop liking what I don’t like” and wow, that’s a bad take. 

A mistake would mean Kashoggi died accidentally... by tripping on a wet floor that didn’t have a “wet floor” warning sign or something similar. Not tortured and dismembered at the behest of the royal family.