I just want the cars to be more narrow -- they’re so wide nowadays, and I think that makes it harder to pass, particularly in tracks like baku and monaco (I mean, Monaco is already hard to pass)
I just want the cars to be more narrow -- they’re so wide nowadays, and I think that makes it harder to pass, particularly in tracks like baku and monaco (I mean, Monaco is already hard to pass)
It’s weirdly reassuring to see many other people have been in the same situation or also dealing with situations similar to your own, in a way that makes one feel “If someone else has gone thru this and made it, so can you”, but of course, that takes time because right now the wound is so raw right now...
I’m single and I cooked for my ailing mother when she could still live with me. She is entering the last stages of metastatic cancer... so now that I’m by myself, I find myself subsisting on banana/raw egg/oatmeal milkshakes more often than not because I just don’t have the desire to cook at all...
It’s impressive, that’s for sure.
It was more than one bad pitstop. LeClerc was also screwed by strategy.
The Taubman/Osuna curse!
Unless Tulsi
they’ll make them hybrid, but then install sound and smoke mods
ugh, I’ve never liked Keaton Patti’s comedy shtick.
I’ll miss Pig Overseer
F the Yanks
More like “Deplorable” Me
Azur Lane was better than I expected!
I only check SBNation for Jon Bois
I’d actually consider a Ram if it wasn’t for their stupid knob shifter.
Who is the artist? Are they getting paid? Billie Eilish got some backdraft because she was in a collab to sell anime clothes and they just lifted the art from some artist on pixiv without giving the artist any money.
I’m in for Beastars and Azur Lane (just look at my icon), staying for Blade of the Immortal and that Wrestling Isekai.
I think GMo’s Arkham Asylum is completely overrated, and the dialogue can be very bad...
I mean, we got
“Daddy is dead.
Mommy is dead.
Brucie is dead.
*reads headline*
I hope it’s not Downtown, with Hamada pulling some stupid shit, like the Axel Foley blackface from a few years back.
*reads article*