Nightmare of Solomon

It’s not like he’s doing much in congress right now.

So is it gonna be called Extra Large or Jumbo?

Nah, I still dont like her. 

*looks at shelfs full of books, graphic novels, transformers and figures*

I say thee nay. 

if Mexico has Bigger Better Stronger vehicles, then all automakers should build their vehicles there as part of the new Nafta or whatever its called now. 

At first I was like, isn’t that the anti-semitic writer, and then I realized that was Alice Walker and felt terrible that I confused the two.

It’s not just that - The Huachicoleros, as these people are commonly known in Mexico, also made a big portion of Lopez Obrador’s voting base.

Every time the Federal Police would target towns dedicated to the theft of fuel, they would get attacked, and later, AMLO would talk about how bad Pena Nieto was and how he was

The worst part about the Fiji Girl going viral is that the Resnicks (Fiji Water, Wonderful Pistachios/Wonderful Pomegranates, et al) are huge assholes. They’re the reason why California has drought issues to begin with.

Good. Maybe they learned from their parents to have complete disregard for the property of others.

The only silver lining is that they used the parking lot as a bumper car ride instead of stealing the cars, driving them down the road and killing someone by accident in the process -- but “hey, at least you didn’t kill

still wondering how they’re gonna handle that, well..., iron blood and sakura empire are aligned with the sirens.

For real. I’d not mind recreation of famous naval battles, even if it means sinking Yorktown along with IJN 1st Carrier Div — but on the other hand, the Sirens story also has Akagi basically being the mastermind/Dragon to Nagato, by masterminding the Sakura Empire joining the war (on the side of the sirens) , not to

I actually can’t wait for Azur Lane The Animation — I’d like to see if they stick to story mode maps... you know, Pearl Harbor, Coral Sea, Midway, Guadalcanal and such, or if it’s gonna be a commander that gathers girls from all the different factions fighting against the Sirens.

The ongoing transformers comics ended a little bit more than a month.

I just hope the new writer loved the Marvel UK comics. Roberts flavor came from TFUK and I appreciated that more than Barber’s being basically the TF version of Geoff Johns, stitching together every single piece of discontinuity so it all could work. 

is there a rule 34?

The Dragons were lovable losers -- which is leagues better than things like Fallout 76

Hmm. Sure. But Menudo is still better than Pozole when it comes to dealing with hangovers. 

Is there going to be an STX trim package, and if so, does it come with Sync3?

Menudo > Pozole
specially when talking about curing hangovers

Da wae!