That’s an incredibly astute comment. Too often the narrative is how an athlete “lost” their way. No, a criminal was involved in sports.
That’s an incredibly astute comment. Too often the narrative is how an athlete “lost” their way. No, a criminal was involved in sports.
Remember, he’s not an athlete who made a mistake: he’s a criminal who can swim.
This might ruin dessert for him, too.
Oh god no, he might never have an appetite for steak ever again. : * (
I can’t believe you haven’t figured this out on your own: your friends don’t want to go camping or go to the bar and they’re using money as an excuse. They are well aware that they could spend less money on video games. They just don’t want to come out and say, “camping sounds awful, fuck that,” so they pretend they…
Based on strictly anecdotal evidence, I’ve found that the happiness and success of a marriage is inversely proportionate to the extravagance of their wedding.
Given the past few days of election drama, I am so grateful for this petty bullshit distraction. Thanks, Ellie :)
Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.
I think Nintendo might take a marketing note there, single shot palm titles, old school, new tech? I’d buy one.
Except, it was more than that. It was the inevitable result of a prolonged history of domestic violence that goes far and beyond a temper tantrum. He tossed out cheating this time, when last time it was (probably) forgetting to fix the bed or forgetting to buy the beer. The reasons never matter. The infliction of…
“She cheated on me...” So what?! Grow the fuck up crybaby. Once again a woman is dead cause a man threw a temper tantrum.