Box Shaped Heart

Even more sad, your use of ‘sadder’. #commoncoreftw

I am a male bartender and I believe that it is good advice for all people to not get so drunk that you are no longer in control of yourself and what might happen to you. I recognize my male privilege that I can more easily get wasted and toddle back to my sketchy neighborhood. But even so, I can be assaulted, mugged

If her first reaction isn’t ‘Yeah! Let’s go!’ then it’s coercion ... doesn’t matter if it’s socially acceptable or not.

According to the rule book, Joe Flacco is still not elite.

What he made in Endoresment don’t mean a fucking thing in any of this.

No need to be a killjyo.

“You know I played volleyball in college .... then I just raped women when I was President.”

I have (more or less) succeeding in teaching my dog that pooping is only supposed to happen outside. This was done simply enough by giving him pieces of bologna every time he went to the bathroom outside. He’s also fully comfortable in his crate now and doesn’t bark or whine when put in there. All of this training has

But seriously, why go with O? The first thing people are gonna ask is what does O stand for. I'd go with Sam.

It's a miracle whip how many clever commenters that so many missed your joke. I'm amayonaised.

So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?

Tom Brady does have a lot of free time to kill coming up in September.

I don’t think that’s how you spell “Kudos!” And stretch Eric Snow already existed, he was George Lynch!!

Somewhere Ditka is trying to figure out how he can make money off his death. Perhaps a new flavor of BBQ sauce.

Fittingly, with a 4–6 start.

1) Bobbio is right. Any time you step into the gym, you’re immediately sized up and people make judgments about your ability based on how you look. Doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Asian, whatever. If you say otherwise, then you go ahead and pass over the 6-foot-5 black guy for the dumpy-looking 5-foot-8 white

Liquid gold.

Probably true. Fucked up, but true.

+1 shorted shocker

That’s a 6-2 double play to the layperson.