Box Shaped Heart


I doubt the Takecaust ever happened.

Women are the worst.

PAT’s are so boring. They should be automatic.

Really? You were anally raped?

I think in this show, its white women that are the target of the police injustice, all the other cop shows have angry black man syndrome.

If history is correct, this battle was fought by Major Boredom and General Apathy.

Did he age her right in the pussy?

Bitch is just humble bragging about a trip to Hawaii.

The trainer came out to look at him and asked if he was crazy.

No Maas.

If only Chicago could have more Democratic leadership right?

Well that’s only because Chip Kelly is racist don’t you know.


It would depend upon if that day was the anniversary of your house being built.

Yeah, it’s funny and sad that this is the third time that he did this and the media had to be alerted about it to even make it a "story”.

You can’t protest police deaths because they chose that job and are paid for it.

I think he was hoping for a suspension but the country has become so liberal, er, I mean progressive that that wouldn’t even be considered anymore.


He was so against that war that he brought the troops home as soon as he was inaugurated......