Box Shaped Heart

Ricky Williams was a high pick.

In the ass. He raped her in the ass.

Was Kobe accused of rape?

False equivolancy.

You should leave immediately. You are too good for the people around you.

Stop making sense. This is not about that. The new generation wants to fail at something that should not be tested. If Gordon keeps failing MJ tests, MJ will become legal.

How are you going to keep them down on the farm after they have seen Karl Hungus?

Is this a good place to drop that Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton is running for President even though she is being investigated for treason and giving away military secrets via email?

I love how he suggests that she made an investment in cattle futures and made a half a million dollars and then never invested in cattle again.

Two rules in politics, never wear funny hats and never agree to a script without reading the whole thing first.

He may have bought satelite time. I saw it on one of the community cable networks.

Note to self: Never piss off the abortion getters, they will stop at nothing to protect their abortion getting rights.

Maybe during Seinfeld reruns?

More lyin Bernie, I stopped watching at two minutes.

12th most disgusting thing that happened in Milwaukee that day.

I see that you have set your word blender to puree. You should turn it up to obliterate just in case one person in the world understood what you were rambling on about.

Yes, Bernie is going to go after Wall Street and their money printing press for all of the things that we need.

I feel like my Zika abortion mosquito awareness ponds are making a difference.

Jeez, he got into one fender bender and his mom got scared......