Box Shaped Heart

The Southern Strategy is so last century.

Parties want to win elections. The take away from the 2012 elections was that the GOP was not listening to / courting the minority vote.

Did Trump take credit for the bombings?

Who would have known that if Romney would have been a bigger dick eight years ago that we wouldn’t be in this mess today?

The Aristocrats! !!!!!

It’s not really that he didn’t fly back to the United States. It’s more about that the guy he is doing the wave with is probably responsible for more deaths than the Brussels attackers were.

If we pay attention to the terror, the terrorists win.

Ha! Blame their socialistic ways and lack of spending on a military and intelligence.

This airport is his one hit to the one hit wonder.

So they didn’t work on Wall Street so no connection to capitalism.


Good luck with that.

The Chicago Bears won the Super Bowl in 1986.

Thinking a bunch of racist things, formalizing that thought and typing it out on a website is racist.

Just look at the numbers.

But, but, butthurt.

Demonizing gentrification is the dumbest thing ever.

Are you insane? Do you have papers to prove your sanity?

Sexual harassment is a little strong for this case. They did change the headline from “sexual harassment” to “hit on”
