Box Shaped Heart

It all depends on the query.

Well, I was commenting on tactics, strategies and shenanigans and that both sides do it.

Is this because Italy is shaped like a boot?

Information wants to be free.

I think the fourth estate is failing the American public like it never has before.

Is Herr Drumpf a write in candidate?

Do you honestly think that left Twix is different than right Twix?

I do wish that Hillary wasn’t running unopposed on the other side.

I especially like the part where she is pandering to the LGBT community.

You are the Third Reich to post this nonsense today.

They are probably dressing provacatively and deserve to be raped.

Keep spreading lies, Chief.

We all know that Spanish is a barrio language.

Are you saying this because he is black?

Reread Chief. It all starts right here.


That does look like a sausagefest though.

You mean they killed these guys?

Jesus is still my favorite Jew.

Shomer fucking Shavez