Box Shaped Heart

There is a 70% tax on that joke.

Yes but if you were half man half sausage, which way would you have it, tops or tails?

This would never have happened if was travelingin in a pack.

What? The hair on my ass no longer counts as a style? It sucks getting old and having kids.

Taint it the truth.

I was up early too, then I read this Drew Magary snooze fest.

Oh look, the she fell onto my aroused penis defense.

I think we are in a more informed and opinionated society now.

Your plan sounds like socialism.

Are you comparing Trump to a cat?

Can nightmare fuel burn hot enough to melt steel beems?

Did he ask on no gay Thursday?

Sixteen will get you twenty.

Sick burn Android, I bet you spilled wine on your boobs typing that one.

I know gosh darn it! This is about women’s rights to healthcare not Berniebroes.

Speaking of taking steps, is Mr. Obama going to nominate a ninth Supreme Court Justice?

The wurst.

Right you are man, kill that baby before the baby maker kills you.

I know, first they passed Obama Care at great expense when they could have just expanded Medicaid.

You can thank the Vietnam War for that.