Box Shaped Heart

When you have the uterus, you play the uterus card.

If we eat the panscakes, the terrorists win.

For what?

Cam Newton is black.

Satire is the word you are looking for.

Isn’t this part of the risk of being an undocumented person in a host country?

So now, they are cartoons.

We are going to need a bigger fence.

He sounds like a Hillary supporter.

What time does the Super Bowl start?

What time does the Super Bowl start?

And we know exactly what they mean when they say Pinkham too.

My apologies for the confusion. It wasn’t directed to you. It probablyshould have been directed at the same person you were replying to.

It was a snarky way of saying that one person is not going to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that is 40 years old. Especially since there is no new information regarding said case.

Is Bernie running for the new one person Supreme Court that rerules on cases that are 40 years old?

God sure does hate people that defend his unborn children.

Actually, Carly Fiorina has a uterus as well.

Wasn’t Bill Clinton the first woman President?

But in the Jean-Paul Sarte sense, aren’t we all retiring?

He’s all bout that action bawss.