
Jennifer Rubell (the artist who created the piece in question) replied to Trump’s tweet offering a viewing:

In fairness to her, she is definitely a full-sized and complete shitstain all on her own.

Ivanka is for Ivanka. No other women need apply, unless *maybe* you are another one of the Trump molls. You still might get thrown under the bus though, they tend to do that.

She launders the money

Ivanka does nothing for anyone other than herself and her money. Actions speak louder than words, babe. You’re an expensively made up fraud, and we're smart enough to see your hollowness.

Ivanka lacks the context to interpret the piece. After all, she probably has no idea what a vacuum is.

It can be all of the above. It’s art!

I thought it was more of a role-reversal thing.  The rich and privileged sweeping up the crumbs of the masses instead of the other way around.  

“I choose the blather.”

There you have it. Irrefutable truth she isn’t even Trump’s real daughter. She said “latter” instead of “ladder”.

Kinda meta that the art piece talking about breadcrumbs that Ivanka vacuums up became a breadcrumb that she vacuumed up.  Or do I have the interpretation all wrong?

I wonder who had to explain to her what contraption was.

Maybe those crumbs are supposed to represent the pieces of KFC chicken that fall out of Trump’s mouth while watching Fox News.

Oh, let’s be fair now. By supporting families being ripped apart by the border, she was really liberating women from the burden of their children so that they might go on to be failed, garbage clothing purveyors like herself. Or maybe even travel the world to help criminals do shady deals!

Tacky, complicit, faux feminist, dog whistling white supremacist bitch.

And? She’s driving a big, gas guzzling SUV around southern CA.

She is an annoying thirst-bucket, but it must be frustrating as hell to actually have talent and have to watch as people like Blake Lively and Selena Gomez have huge careers while you are permenantely stuck in some tertiary supporting role hustle.

And of course Lea Michele drives a giant Range Rover.

It has to be short for Alexander right? Please let it be short for Alexander!

Seems like Lea Michele’s relationship is fine and zandy.