
When my boyfriend first asked me out, he sent me a text saying his cold was finally getting better. I replied "great" and then didn't get a text back. Turns out, his next text got lost somehow. If I hadn't replied again with "so, does that mean you want to go out?", I would not have a boyfriend right now.

I've had a guy who happened to be gay be mean to me once, and you don't see me going around and hating them all. (I've had men in general be mean to me, as well as women, white people, Asian people, children... If I started hating them all, there wouldn't be much left.)

I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with that explanation. It would make this a problem solely between gays.

But she can't be unmarried either!

*hugs* My niece was born at the height of my depression last year, and might be the reason why I am still here today.

Is this about whale bones or boners?

Right? I'm totally pro-abortion, but that doesn't mean that I'd actually go through with one or enjoyed it if I had to.

They can totally make that choice for me if they also fork over enough cash so that the baby I never wanted has a full-time nanny and can go to an Ivy League school.

Japanese kids, especially those I babysat, liked to tell me they "can't" eat something. I always confirm food allergies etc. beforehand, so I know that's not it.

"And I'm surprisingly non-confrontational – you would not believe how much I hate conflict. "

In that case, I think the people involved will have discussed that before.

How YOU doin'?

Me, too, just last week in Berlin!

Who does that? I mean, big needles? They hurt!

That was my question as well.

Am I the only one who wishes Rowling had made another character gay instead of Dumbledore?

Personally, I just read him as 150 and too keen on manipulating Harry to give much though to sex.

Same here - and I AM German.

I suppose YOU'RE not a teacher? At least I hope you're not an English teacher.

"You aren't hot enough to act like that."