So true. Just because you don't watch that train there right in front of us doesn't mean I don't want to either. So MOVE.
So true. Just because you don't watch that train there right in front of us doesn't mean I don't want to either. So MOVE.
The second one... can't watch... poor octopus.
Not in Asia, though. In Germany, people ALWAYS tell me to get a tan, but when I lived in Japan? "You're so white, that's awesome!" I'm just terrified of skin cancer, that's all...
Korean whitening products aren't dangerous, though. I've used Japanese whitening products and I know a lot of people who use Korean ones. There are dangerous bleaching creams in China, but Japan and Korea have a controlled cosmetics market just like the US.
I think overdoing it with the desire to be pale is bad. Toxic skin creams need to go. That said, in moderation, I don't see what's wrong with using sunscreen, parasols, brightening products etc. I don't remember the source, but I remember reading Japan had a pretty low skin cancer rate.
Same with Japan. I've said it above, but please read the Genji Monogatari (Tale of Genji) which was written centuries before the first Caucasians set foot into Japan to colonialize it.
Cosmetic surgeries do, yes, but this is just a cream that makes your face brighter, which has been the beauty standard in that part of Asia since forever. White skin in women = basically glow in the dark effect that made it easier to spot your desired/lover in the dark before they invented electricity. Read the Genji…
I've heard from Korean friends that Koreans sometimes ask Asians with darker skin types (even if they're just tanned Koreans) whether they're from the Philippines etc., which is generally looked down upon.
If women made the same sacrifices to their family for the company, then who the hell takes care of the kids?
Is it just me or does the furniture (tables etc.) in some of these pictures look really... normal?
"Kendall is rude to the housekeeper, and Jada doesn't tolerate that shit."
I had this weird image in my head where they pour plant fertilizer onto an embryo.
I started giggling. It's past my bedtime in Germany.
Am I the only one who thought the headline "cheated with a transsexual" sounds kinda... dehumanizing?
I actually thought I'd go out with him if I was single and in the area. Until he mentioned the 200+ pounds. I like to be on the bottom during sex. (Sorry if that's TMI.)
I had a really sucky teacher and it took me months to complete the course because he was always away. Going to California just to get a license sounds a bit like expensive overkill, though, but thanks for the compliment!
I feel like it's always the people who have the least to apologise for (like, you seem like a cool guy) who are the only ones to ever apologise.
"When I was your age, there were only 150 Pokémon!"
I'm German and no one ever told me about the right hand! They only told me to look for cyclists. My driving teacher sucked, though, and I never actually passed my test. :(
I lucked out in finding a good guy. It doesn't matter at all that I found a good guy who happens to be Japanese. Seriously, dude, don't turn this into an "all Asien menz are soooo behind" kind of thing - look at the shit going on in the US, perpetrated by old white dudes. But then, of course, it's #NotAllMen, right?