
I'm German and no one ever told me about the right hand! They only told me to look for cyclists. My driving teacher sucked, though, and I never actually passed my test. :(

I lucked out in finding a good guy. It doesn't matter at all that I found a good guy who happens to be Japanese. Seriously, dude, don't turn this into an "all Asien menz are soooo behind" kind of thing - look at the shit going on in the US, perpetrated by old white dudes. But then, of course, it's #NotAllMen, right?

People looked at me funny when I said I travelled alone. My favourite Japanese TV show is about a single woman in her 30s.

Born in Japan, raised in Japan and living in Japan. He's somewhat unusual because he's also multilingual and has studied abroad, but his mother is a traditional housewife and his cousin just got married after law school and is now also a housewife. (That's money wasted...)

Was that really sexism, though? A while back, many Japanese companies were hesitant to hire Japanese with overseas experience because they were "too different".

Amen. There are good and bad people in every country.

I actually did, because after a certain point, male bachelors seem to be frowned upon in Japan as well. Not as much as this, though, obviously.

Er, nope. What happened there is awful, but let's not start with jokes about Asian's guys' penisses.

Your motherS peaced out of there or your mother HAS peaced out of there? Curious.

At Japanese International Schools all over the world, the Japanese teachers are sent directly from Japan by the Ministry of Education. At the school I used to work at, there has never been an unmarried male teacher. Someone once told me that it just wouldn't be done - they need to have wives to rein them in. What.

That's what they say on Reddit's skincare forum.

I mean, that laissez-faire attitude is how Tom Riddle turned into Voldemort, right?

Staying at a hotel after being told to be a better father is pretty weird.

No, those fice minutes are not there for doctors to convert your child to Satanism - they are there to let the doctors and nurses check for child abuse. What do you have to hide, lady?

I'm more confused by her wearing a white dress to cook.

Even if has super fast metabolism, being thin IS the standard in the entertainment business and it comes off as obnoxious to throw shade on people who have to work hard to adhere to it.

I don't even get what he's trying to say.

Plus, if I get shot, is that now my fault for not wearing protective clothing?

Dude, girls in baggy sweats have been raped. It's not about the way we dress.

Yeah, your comments make you sound like a "perfectly great guy" all right, asshole.