I wonder if he actually speaks... um, his name seems Chinese to me, but he wants to look Korean?
I wonder if he actually speaks... um, his name seems Chinese to me, but he wants to look Korean?
Remember that Chinese woman who forgot to tell her husband how many plastic surgeries she had had and he completely flipped out because their baby was "ugly"? (His words, not mine!)
I'm a bit confused. His eyes before the surgeries didn't look all that different from e.g. my Japanese boyfriend's eyes, except for the colour, of course. There's not even such a thing as one specific "Asian" eye look.
Get off this site. Now.
Because we all live in a vacuum?
Actually, when a black person gets mad about a racist joke, it's because no matter how he chooses to feel about it, white people still have power over him and that sucks.
A joke about a minority he doesn't belong to. Let them decide whether they find it offensive, and go read an article about racism in the meantime.
Are you his PR agent or his secret girlfriend?
Are you my family?
Antoine Dodson has a son now, says that he will do his best to make his baby straight. :(
Right? I can't even take my little (22 year old, nonetheless) brother doing "Asian eyes" as a "joke" without never wanting to speak to him and my parents who think I'm overreacting again.
Oh my God I love your user name.
Is she making a penis? :D
I'm German and I've never heard of that Flula person. I've never heard of any Flula, ever.
If they can prove that, then I guess it would be okay... but a 5k difference?
I tried telling my supposedly intelligent little brother that making "Asian eyes" is racist. I was basically told by my whole family not to be so "overly sensitive". Yeah.
Happy Birthday!
I think you nailed it about "nice" guys being just as mysoginistic as some others.
Okay, thanks!
Maybe you're not as nice(TM) as you believe you are? Maybe you have no other positive qualities shining through your entitled niceness? Maybe you just had bad luck?