What is WITH people thinking tights make great pants???
What is WITH people thinking tights make great pants???
Never go to Japan, then. When kids don't like something, they always say they "can't" eat that, as opposed to "I don't want to eat this". Confused me a lot at my first nanny job because I had confirmed with the mother that the kids didn't have any allergies.
How can "but I have a black friend!!1111!!" even be an excuse anymore when everyone claims to be color blind these days?
Unless you go to Asia where apparently lots of guys want to bang a white chick at least once before marrying a proper Asian girl.
Why did she marry him?!
My only worry about going to a black club as a white girl would be if I'm not seen as an intruder - "can't white people leave us at least one place to ourselves?" If you had told me it was okay to go, I think I would have gone, unless I wasn't in a clubbing mood in gereral.
This so much.
It all comes down to anti-bullying education, which no one seems to give a flying fart about.
I think I understand you. When I finally got out of high school, I went on to a good university, but many people there were still too immature to behave much differently from their teenage selves. After I graduated, I got into the grad school of my dreams in Asia, where everything went great for about two or three…
You know (sorry for the double post), like we teach girls how to protect themselves from sexual violence, but ultimately, the message must be: Sexual violence is not okay.
I do think it's important to teach kids how to stand up for themselves, but I think it's a lot MORE important to teach kids how not to be bullies.
It must have been awful to not even have a safe haven at home.
"kept getting involved in matters between boys"?! WTF?!
Oh my God, the same thing happened to me around the same age. I managed to be friends with the most popular girl in my new class (after I'd skipped a grade, so I was the younger nerd kid) until suddenly, I came to school and she had formed an "I hate [my name] club" with the other girls.
It's great that so many people here have no problem with wedding crashers at their own (some of them potential) weddings, but if this particular couple was bothered by them, they were completely within their rights to throw them out and I feel like that needs to be said more clearly here.
I'm so, so sorry.
I don't care about the penalties she - deservedly! - earns. I hope she'll have some sense knocked into her before she hurts or even kills someone, though!
While of course these horrible men are the real perpetrators, I have to ask myself: What kind of parent lets their underage kids sleep at the house of a stranger?
I'd rather buy a foundation that doesn't patronize me.
I'd feel almost sorry for these moronic douches who can't even spell (how did they get into university in the first place) if they weren't freaking creepy criminals.