Yuri Falconfire

Why should it have been a 2-d00r? So nobody would buy it and it would flop?

Word for word what I've been saying and thinking as well. Great synopsis. (Just be prepared for the assholes to come in and claim you know nothing - happened to me yesterday).

I'm guessing pilot error similar to the crash that Malcolm Gladwell wrote about in Outliers.

I think you are bang on

Here's what I've been able to compile from the TV, photos, and the eyewitnesses statement (if you know what to ignore, you can piece together something) According to the flight telemetry data on FlightAware, the plane made a steeper descent than usual at a greater than normal approach angle to the runway coupled with

I have a hard time believing the cartridge is "legit legit" as a cynical human in an era of cynical bullcrap. You are not incorrect in assuming Chinese over Japanese, as others have mentioned, it's the same character set. As far as I'm concerned you were pointing out the fact the scammer used the "wrong" language in a

Give the man a break.

Was there any chatter prior to the crash?

Yeah Yuengling #1 is not cheap and #2 is awesome and shouldn't be on this list. Ranking it below PBR and Budweiser is insulting. Come on.

Seriously, what kind of insane person thinks that Yeungling is worse than anything with Busch, Natural, Keystone, Milwaukee, Bud, Coors, Miller, and Pabst in the name. This guy must have been drinking a 4 month old can that fell off a truck and has been sitting in the sun the entire time. Or he just has never actually

Seriously, what kind of insane person thinks that Yeungling is worse than anything with Busch, Natural, Keystone, Milwaukee, Bud, Coors, Miller, and Pabst in the name. This guy must have been drinking a 4 month old can that fell off a truck and has been sitting in the sun the entire time. Or he just has never actually


Agreed. And I miss those waxed boxes with the large recycled bottles.

He's right. Yuengling rules.

Preach it, brother.

Yeah, by far the best beer under 3 dollars you can buy, but yes, I am a PA e-pat. The ironic thing is, I following the brand to Tampa where I now live haha. The author must be an idiot, you rank Coors #3? Plus you're missing Leinies!!

team yuengling all the way.

Anyone who thinks Coors Light is better than Budweiser or Yuengling is a fucking idiot.