In all odds the street was designed before they lowered the limit/
In all odds the street was designed before they lowered the limit/
How the fuck haven't the secret service been called yet. This is like one of their primary jobs outside the president.
Paramedics and police choppers are the only ones allowed in. Everyone else is shut out under 3000.
My mom gave me the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue as a prank for my 13th birthday... I was embarrassed as fuck by it.
Cobalts are notorious for that issue. My 05 Cobalt had the rotors warp when I left the showroom RIGHT AFTER LEASING IT. It took two trips back to get them to admit the rotors were warped.
Funny enough someone who goes to my starbucks has a Sky with Opel badging.
There is also a lot of evidence all the accused were not even involved, so much so a few of them he had to drop his lawsuit on because the defendants could difinitively prove to be no where near him on the supposed dates.
So we have "US tracking analysis" on this isolated incident in the middle of nowhere, BUT we somehow can't find those IRS emails to see what Lois Lerner was up to.
I see the pocket ref often but do you actually ever use it?
Yep thats why I never owned one. Going beyond the fact that they were overpowered for what I was using it for which was just testing drops or finding loopbacks, they cost a mint which was well beyond my tech salary at the time.
Yeah thats definately a curse with Sys admining. I miss the fly by the seat of your pantsness of actually physically repairing systems, but VMs and the cloud has really moved the job away from a hardware/software know it all into a pure software job with some hardware when it comes to chassis.
Just a plain pocket size one. Easier to jot quick notes like IPs or settings in them than using my phone. I also will take a quick shot with my camera if there is a ton of information i need to refer to.
Honestly I can't remember the model, its been 6 years since I ever worked someplace I had to go to multiple sites and I didn't own it it was company owned. I graduated to a company who has a dedicated networking team now. Really when it came to networking I just diagnosed if something was wrong and got someone better…
As a system admin of 15 years now, that's an excessive amount of crap to carry around. Moleskin, space pen, pocket knife, jewelers Philips, and a 4 in one screwdriver, plus my laptop and cables is all I ever needed.
right and the extra civilizations beyond the starting ones were all 2 dollars each too. So really it ends up being the same cost, and unlike the first one you buy the iPad version you get the iPhone one. cR1 you had to buy it for each platform.
Yep having worked with various mobile devices myself, Blackberry and Apple have their shit down for securely wiping a phone with a factory reset while Android leaves it to the manufacturer to implement it right which most don't.
no a lens with a zoom and a telephoto lens are two different things. Not even remotely asemantics thing.
Except you know technically the presidents not supposed to salute. It's bullshit Reagan made up.
yeah having an easily scanned lined system of number and letters sure is creepy