Yuri Falconfire

You seem to be mistaken that they often convict murders without the testimony of victims using evidence gathered at the scene. Real world isnt law and order, murder trials usually have dozens of witnesses. This isnt law and order.

cant convict on a rape kit along. All a rape kit proves is there was sexual contact, NOT that the person was raped. Even vaginal tears happen in consensual sex. Its what the victim SAYS IN COURT that matters.

Oh really? A quick google shows even Florida, Texas and many other states ban them.

"why you don't block the fast lane for multi-axle truckers, ever, ever."

Many Nike/ICBM bases in the US are for sale as houses. They used to be super cheap but now since people have been showing them off go for 1-2 million

In some cases they were. Fort Monmouth NJ housed a great many Sandy survivors after the storm. Granted it had only been mostly abandoned 1-2 years prior. In many cases these forts were abandoned well before that type of help was even a concern.

Um how about no. I love my state and living in the Northeast, but I dont go flying a FUCKING FLAG for it.

Just because you live in backwoods redneckia doesn't mean people shouldn't be paid a fair wage.

I almost owned one of these with front bench seats. My Saturn SL 2 was stolen and when the insurance check arrived I was going to use it to buy my then girlfriends grandmothers off her parents for 500 dollars.

"t is an equal playing field, anyone that wants to sell cars has to do it the same way, therefore, no one has an unfair advantage."

Yeah no, your competition is not allowed to make up the rules. If a company wants to sell direct they should. The only reason they are trying to stop it is because that salesmodel is known to work and would ruin (and rightfully so) dealers, who are the scummiest assholes on the planet.

Agreed, given Man Of Steel Ill watch Superman Returns any day of the week. The dude pulled off the Superman I grew up with very well.

actually its legal and has been held up in court. Its no different than throwing out and banning line cutters at a amusement park which ALSO happens all the time and usually costs a lot more money than a video game.

Yeah it should dickhead. Dont want to get into trouble? DONT CHEAT.

nvm realized its Chicago not Boston.

#2 makes no sense.

yeah i missunderstood

thats still not proof, its one persons story and that person is known to be insane.

has nothing to do with the mother being vindictive, the mother is NUTS and for decades could have easily been putting this on her.

No it DOES matter, that you don't realize it shows how little about cars you know. Just because a platform is related doesn't in ANY way mean its the same platform. The G6 and current Malibu are "related" but the Epsilon and EpsilonII platform are completely different in size and drivetrain and were not even developed