Yuri Falconfire

No she's catholic but her dad is.

Yeah the running rumors were her forcing him to convert was a lot to do with why their marriage ended, and that the church went out of its way to spread rumors on Aemisen to protect her and cover their ass as to the reason their marriage ended.

It used to be who too here, but then kids were wiping out their families in accidents showboating to friends.

Yep and the passenger has to be above the age of 16 I believe. There was a rash of mass fatalities a few years back where 3-4 kids at a clip were dying so they upped the age for your permit and license, and made it so you couldn't have more than one passager in the car while you were provisional. The red sticker thing

Not stupid at all, and its the law in most countries too like Canada.

I could think of a lot worse things, like that you live in Philly....

Yeah no, not everyone could have. Maybe if they had taken THAT picture at the EXACT same time, but its the composition of the clouds, light, and city at that exact moment that makes it unique, not that its a picture of Detroit.

Pretty clear its the same photo purely by the clouds alone.

This is just TOP or Activity Monitor

Got to remember where McMahon ran though. Republicans regularly refer to Republicans like Christie as RINOs because our republicans in the northeast are more liberally minded socially.

PS3 dev kit = PC huh? Oh silly children.

Um not fake, happened in a race.

Yep have to agree with you here, even people in Jiro Dreams of Sushi do this and thats a 3 Star Michelin restaurant for christ sake!

Nah. MVC is amazing now. It used to be 2-3 hours but I haven't spent more than 30 minutes the last 2 times I did it and that was with going to major MVC hubs like Wayne and Edison.

The terms of Japanese surrender where such that he retained power. You have to understand the differences though. Hilter was a politician, Tojo was a "God on Earth."

You do realize even a store bought charcoal grill left running could have done the same thing.

I'm wondering if there is more to this, like the rise in men my age (20-40) using old double edged safety razors instead of the 5 blade monstrosities. This started happening a few years ago when more and more studies came out that showed the 5 blade nightmares dont actually give you any closer a shave than a 1-2 blade

Caution: Never test your alarm by forcing cigarette or other forms of smoke into your alarm. If you choose to use an aerosol smoke product be sure to use one that is listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Safety Standards and use it only as directed. Use of non-UL listed products or improper use of UL listed