Yuri Falconfire

Um no 2 died and many critical jackass. Don't get news from twitter

Actually rarely. Almost always the pilot either radios in a issue or it's so catastrophic they are destroyed before they radio in. And most times they don't radio in its because they themselves cause a "controlled decent into the ground" ie the pilot flew themselves into the ground.

Yep looking at everything is not only obviously pilot error but grossly incompetent pilot error. It would be one thing to be a little short on approach but it looks like he nearly landed in the water!

Agreed! its my go to if Magic Hat or Rouge isnt available!

Why are people so into Yuengling?

I have two statements.

You bet your ass we do lol. I just bought mine from Monoprice simply cause I couldn't justify a 110 dollar mechanical from like Das Keyboard or the like as a non-standard hardware procurement.

wait you get mechanical keyboards at work!!?!?!?!??! Where is this magical place?

If you learn how to type on one properly the noise isnt as loud as you think

Dumbest article ever, and there have been some doozies on Lifehacker....

Who's the cutie with the guages. I can give two shits about Mc Dreamy, she caught my eye immediately.

Technically yeah, because OSX derived from NeXT

Wow no love for BeOS.

see large wrinkles it works great for me, heavy creases it doesn't.

No offense, but from the getgo Microsoft was awesome at bricking systems. I even own a second power supply from the xbox they sent me when I had to replace my first one after the FIRST round of RRoDs.

As a friend of someone who made the same choice Angelina did because she didnt want to leave her kids without a mother knowing she carried the gene that almost killed her aunt...

When was the 4S discontinued? Did they stop selling it for $100 on contract? Isn't the 4 being sold for $1 on contract still? Doesn't sound like either of those phones are obsolete to me.

Considering iPad 4 was out 6 months after iPad 3 come out.. Not shocking.

They are working on a 40k game, this one was a sure bet though because even though it only existed for 3-4 years as a board game (more if you count its siblings HerosQuest and Advanced HerosQuest) its a property that can be done very will on a mobile device and one that people have been BEGGING Games Workshop to

Well Android has 70% market share in the US compared to only about 21% for iOS... so yeah if you actually want to make money a port is in the future.