Right on, pretty cool, but yeah - if she addressed the working conditions and had improving the conditions/pay as part of her campaign it might just work. I think w/o addressing it she would just garner resentment from the workers slaving away at making all the anime... like, oh great, create more work to overburden…
They should have just made these characters the new team for the movie, a nice male/female balance. Why’s it gotta be all one or the other?
Berserk! Oh... It’s CGI. Nevermind. As good as they’ve gotten with it, Sidonia, Ajin, Bubunki Buranki, it still feels like watching video game cut scenes.
The Dreamcast game ;)
wow, didn’t know that happened, that’s ‘deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember’, crazy.
I hope the HD re-release helped make up for the initial poor sales, at this point (similar to Psychonauts), everyone should know it’s a fantastic game worth playing. And if you haven’t played it, do yourself a favor and grab the HD re-release, totally worth playing or replaying, I think I grabbed it on PSN for under…
All I want to know at this point, since I’m guessing everything is real-time, no CGI? [hopefully], will your outfits actually change appearance to match whatever armor you just bought/found & equipped? That bugs the hell out of me... and previous FF games are guilty of this, (up until Lightning Returns, but that was…
wooord. this was, in many ways, FF perfected to me & the one I probably enjoyed the most (I played the original, not Intl. ver.). Which of course left XIII feeling that much worse... I still feel like they hit the nail on the head with art, design, world, gameplay, characters, most everything! I wish they would just…
um, cool graphics and animation, zero clue to actual gameplay, the cheesy laser zap sound though... ugh, can’t someone find/make a better sound for lasers by now? also, totally got bored 1/2 way through the trailer.
big surprise, not! westerners screwing up Asian culture strikes again!
nostrils? nope (why?!), ps3 version, yes, oh, i mean nope (US), so me playing it looks like a nope.
Resident Evil, oh wait there’s several of them that were all good action flicks + Milla Jovovich = win. These are the only enjoyable/successful video game adaptations I can think of. Be cool to see Tomb Raider rebooted like the new game reboots. Uncharted maybe? Already cinematic / Indiana Jones (as is TR). Metal…
whoa! my interest has been rekindled
like an old school game system physical or PC/PS4 physical?
Omg, go play it asap, one of the best games ever!
Note that Valkyrie Profile was re-released on the PSP and was a good port! Great, affordable way to play it.
I can empathize with the first one, the other HUGE elephant in the room is simply this: are you actually turned on physically by the other person and vice versa, speaking of sexual compatibility... if not then just be friends, which sounds cliche but is possible, and go find someone with whom to have good sex with…
guessing hacked ROM? how else they get that bee character
so, an astroknight? (astronaut + knight). looks pretty goofy... head doesn’t match the body at all. I agree with the other post about padding... how is what looks like a winter coat considered armor???