Brothers, loved how you could sit down, take a break, soak in the view, & game save?
Brothers, loved how you could sit down, take a break, soak in the view, & game save?
Ah! I love the original Record of Lodoss War anime series! (I think I have an Otakon badge with Deedlit on it from the late 90s) Always wanted to play the PC Engine RPG but like most good things it never came to the U.S. We got the Dreamcast game way later but it did not appeal to me in the slightest.
While the model is gorgeous, the costumes excellent, and photography great, couldn’t she have covered the tattoos with make up? Even I like tattoos but it takes away from the cosplay.
I think if Prey 2 as well as Starcraft Ghost came out now they could totally dominate and would be great on today’s consoles & PCs! Heck, they could even do Kickstarter’s to gauge demand & fund them.
and here i thought it was referencing Chun Li’s victory “Yatta!”
My favorite console design (& system) of all time, the NEC TurboDuo a.k.a. PC Engine duo.
wait, what? is this coming to the US or not?
Well, one of the great things about the 3DS is I can simply turn it on and jump right in with no load times, no DLC annoyance, no Update Now! annoyance, just Bam, in the game.
wow, just checked out some video of actual gameplay (that trailer is cinematics only), looks less like Skies of Arcadia and more like: Odin Sphere/Dragons Crown x Bravely Default x Final Fantasy (2D versions).
Awe man, this should be on 3DS! Looks good.
Yeah, some (many) times critics & reviewers can be overly harsh. I have a friend who works for Avalanche and I felt bad for him after seeing both Kotaku’s & Polygon’s reviews. Nice to see this & here’s another contrasting opinion:…
wow, what an utter waste of time & space, one giant troll on a product. you get paid for this?
at least you can install on an external hard drive or flash drive, something you inexplicably cannot do with the PS3 for example
Oh, you mean the “Whiter” 3 ...
wait, what? And the game is still not available in the states???
Shenmue 1 & 2 HD & widescreen re-releases, I would pay for that. PSN maybe?
This is THE only game I am looking forward to. I just hope the Wii U hardware bundle is coming to the states for it is my reason to buy a Wii U.
Multi player Tomb Raider x Oneechanbara? Could be fun.
A huge f*ck yeah for Binary Domain!
Folklore on PS3 (╯︵╰,) there’s a bar/meter that pops up that cycles through green and red - when it’s red you are supposed to take action, sucks when you can’t tell the difference! Damn shame too because otherwise the game is fantastic and still holds up today. I hadn’t played it in a long time, popped in the Ps3 last…