





Adding now.

Adding now.

In all seriousness I usually make a new playlist every week or two if you want to subscribe to my spotify.

Where is the lie in Deadspin’s headline though?

I don’t give a fuck what Elway says I want this motherfucker on the Broncos.

I don’t know how on earth you can say that Toronto is the same team they were last year. Their pace is a 98 versus a 94 last year. DeMar is averaging over 5 assists a game (the most he’s ever averaged) and has already made more 3s than he ever has in a season and its only February. Kyle and DeMar are both averaging

In all fairness I don’t watch figure skating at all and last night I was pretty fucking hyped watching him skate.

+1 for the Mountain Goats.

He;s posting a picture of him being a Cardinals fan (aka being a shitty human being).

Ya’ll sound absolutely ridiculous. I mean OP said it himself, Hartford sucks. Why should a team stay somewhere they can’t even get an audience to stick around in. I get it, it sucks to have a team uproot and leave, but if you are consistently not filling an arena and not showing up as a fan base idk what you want the

I won’t have you slandering my beautiful son.

As former server/bartender I will say to all customers: Feel free to stack your plates and glasses (as long as it is in a reasonable fashion). Any help is appreciated.

What’s messed up is all the people ranking DeMar so low aren’t even noticing the other improvement he has made this year besides his 3 point shot: His passing. He is averaging almost 5 assists per game, which might be a bigger deal than his improved 3pointer.

In the words of one Vince Staples:
Respect DeMar DeRozen