
This article is the, “I am Euphoric” atheist of the make up world.

Chip Kelly is Fat McDaniels.

My sister’s wedding is on Friday so sadly I won’t be able to get after the Raid during its first weekend.

What am I missing?

They already do this in the NHL series.

I would believe you, but then I saw your name and I know you’re just a false flag commenter.

This needs more love.

Okay Dad!

My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and I’m turning 7. We decide (brilliantly) to have my party ON my birthday. No on shows up because they’re all gone for Christmas.

My Dad, after driving home in a blizzard from his job 2 hours away, shows up with a Playstation. I sit down pop in Crash Bandicoot and start freaking

Have they gotten around to not having Matchbox looking bottoms on their cars?

I wish that these stories would happen in front of me so I could tell the guys to get fucked. Shit isn’t cool man.

In before white knight accusations.

This is also insufferable.

Was just gonna post this. Thanks!

Oh yeah they’re just dying to work for that shit hole that drove its founder out.

*Insert why not both meme here*

You just said he Obviously cheated and now you’re down grading it to Obviously Involved, are you Goodell’s burner account?

Hey man if you can prove it then I’ll gladly apologize.